Wednesday, August 22, 2007

OK, A long time has gone by. Don't know what to say. Had my first counseling session tonight. Odd. Doing everything I'm supposed to be doing except for spontaneously crying with all of you. Just feel like I need to be stronger than you when you come to see me. That to will change in the coming months. Set up a group session for just us, so whoever wants to come, they are welcome. It is next Wed. at 6:00 pm. in Sun City. Call me & let me know if you want to come. Should be good for all of us. (Corey's coming) Can't give enough thanks to Rhonda & Dana for being so close to me right now. Sanity has a real thin line. Depression has a big fat line though. Sucks. Can't say FUCK MAN loud enough. Suppose you all knowby now Tracy didn''t die. She was killed. That damn thing took my wife.