Tuesday, July 24, 2007

She is so beautiful.

That's all I know.

I miss you too much to express.

I miss your touch, I miss your face. I miss your hair you hated that's in all my clothes. I miss you. I miss you. I LOVE YOU.


Lisa Hayes said...

Ronnie....you bring tears to my eyes.
I can tell how much you loved your girl!!!!
She knows it too!!!!
You rock!!!!!!
That picture of her was soooo pretty.
You know she's looking down on you daddy ......she's sending you the power.......to somewhere ,somehow ,someway get through all of this.
Love to you all!!!

Love to you

Dana said...

My dear sweet Ronnie, You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers as are Corey & Dillon! I wish you were here so we could laugh and cry on eachothers shoulder! I know how much you are hurting and know i am here whenever you need! It feels better to be around you guys, it doesn't SEEM to hurt as much. She is with us my friend...she is in our heart and souls! Be strong you beautiful man:) LOve you, D

Dana said...

Hello Tracy's boys:) God be with you today and ease your hearts.
LOve, D

Lisa Hayes said...

She is so beautiful....thinking of you guys and hoping you're doing well. I'm sure today is exceptionally rough for you Ronnie.
Sending you the power.
Love to you all,

Dana said...

Today is a hard day Tracy! My head and heart are reeling from all of this! Your family is on my mind constantly! I saw KK yesterday and it did me w orld of good:) I am sure you liked that:) And i am keeping in touch girl cause it is good for my soul! I see you in all of them!! Miss you with all that i am....Oh and i am excited about Ronnie coming to visit me!!! YAY!
I feel better already:) It was nice talking to you MBFF.
LOve, D

Dana said...

Miss you even more today WTF!! Come back and save us all! I love you Tra

Lisa Hayes said...

Hi guys.....how ya doin??
Hanging on??
Hi Dana .....power to you girl.
I think of you all constantly and hoping your doing well.
Power to us all to have the strength with all of this.
Love to ya Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep watching out for all of us up there!

Love to you all!