Monday, July 9, 2007

Hi Everyone,
This is Tracy's sister-in-law Marianne. I was asked to update the blog. On Wednesday her skin was hurting and in alot of pain. Thursday Doc gave her a pain patch. Friday the 29th Tracy was not feeling good again. She had a Dr. appt but Mom and Ronnie went. They told them that she now has 9 tumors on her brain. Saturday was not a good day. Early Sunday morning (July 1) her skin was on fire and could not take it no more. Ronnie took her to the hospital, she was dehydrated! Came home late on Sunday, felt better on Monday, as the day went on feeling new pain in her abdomen and still having difficulty swallowing. Ronnie called Dr. Monday afternoon to discuss the situation. Needs more fluid in take to keep hydrated, still suffering with pain. Tuesday drinking more liquids, trying to keep ahead of her pain! Early morning on 4th of July and ambulance took her to the hospital. Pain was to much to handle. Thursday was a great day, up all day visited with everyone. Dr Sehgel (her favorite Doctor)and a pain doctor came in to check on her. Short while later she had a seizure. Since than things have slowly declined. Now feeling comfortable with less pain and coming home soon. Please no calls, leave messages on 951-688-7243(PAGE) for more info when she'll be home to make visits.


angela bryan said...

You are all in my prayers. Love you Tracy!!! xoxoxoxo Angela

Lisa Hayes said...

Love to you all!!!!!!!!!