Saturday, April 14, 2007

Just a quick note, to leave a comment, click on the comment bar, then you will need to have a "google account" click on "sign in here". Provide a username & password, it is FREE, (George Myers). So please feel FREE to leave comments. It truly does help.


The Bierle Family said...

Alright, we are signed up and "blogging" with you! Hope your day is great, just like you!

Lisa Hayes said...

Hey pretty ya doin???
Hoping all is well.
Sending you the power.
Love ya,
Lisa and Fam

Raelee said...

We are following your sight, and have you in our prayers. I'm not sure if you know who I am. We come into Stews often. I have 3 boys.
Keep your spirits up!!!
The Teague family

Kevin,Verena&Amanda said...

Hey Tracy and Family,

You all look great with your new hairdos. We're happy to see you are doing so well and had a great easter. We are praying for you and hope to see you soon. Stay Strong.
We Love You

Verena, Kevin and Amanda

SmandaManda said...

Hey Auntie,
I love you so much.
I miss you at work.

you are so freakin cute it should be illegal!