Saturday, March 17, 2007

We LOVE you with all of our Hearts!


Ronnie said...

Thank You for the love & support.
Today was my 5th treatment, 5 more to go & I still have hair. WooHoo.
Will meet with my Oncologist on Friday to schedule my Chemo. Crap!
Really excited to get it over with though. Thanks for all the prayers & thoughts.
Love You all.
Tracy & Ronnie

metlarson said...

Dear Tracy,

You don't know us but we know your sister Rhonda and she is a very big part of our family. She has told us everything that is going on with you and as a matter of fact is sitting here with us right now as we send you this message. We just wanted to let you know that any part of Rhondas family is a part of ours and we send our love and prayers to you everyday in hopes that it will support you in the struggles that you face in the future. If there is ever anything that we can do for you please let us know and if we can we will. Just know that there are alot of people that care about you that you don't even know.

Love always,

Mike, Elizabeth, Tierney and Paighton