Friday, March 16, 2007


Ronnie said...

Thank you so much Eva. We're doing fine now but that will be a great help later. Please keep in touch and your prayers will be appreciated.
Thank you again.

Ronnie said...

Just an update, Tracy had her 4th (& final for the week)treatment today. She will have two days without so she can rest. Today was a bit emotional for her as the impending loss of hair caught up to her. But, she always feels better when she see's my face she says. Again we appreciate everything you all are doing. Mostly the prayers.

C. Givens said...

Your Uncle Larry, my Dad, says there are a ton of people praying for you. Don't worry, God will hear us, especially my Dad. He prayed about the basement that was flooding and he didn't have the money to get it fixed and it had drained by morning!

Also, I didn't have the money to put gas in my car and someone at work gave me a gas card. They never revealed who they were, but God sure did provide and He'll do it for you too!

Mom's e-mail is if you want to e-mail her. Mine is

We all love soooooooo much!!!